Flowtron products are the highest-rated mosquito traps, with the most popular model, BK-80D, having as many as 13,000 ratings. This brand is trusted and there are reasons for that. And even though you have already chosen to buy a Flowtron mosquito trap, it might be challenging to decide which model is right for you. Now, let’s explore what benefits these products offer, how to use them properly and why buyers trust Flowtron.
Depending on the model, Flowtron traps work in one of the following ways. One type is a bug zapper that attracts insects with UV light and kills them once they are zapped by the electric grid. The shock produced by the device is deadly to the insects. The other type is an electric device that uses one or several attractants to draw mosquitoes in the unit. Then, the insects are vacuumed into the holding area, where they die from dehydration.
What is the best Flowtron mosquito trap? The BK-80D Electronic Insect Killer is the most effective, easy-to-use, and highest-rated model from this brand.
There are 3 versions of the BK-80D, which differ by coverage — from half an acre to one acre. The trap is equipped with a bright 80W bulb and needs to be plugged into a socket. It comes with a special cartridge for attracting mosquitoes that is activated when the device is turned on. The electric grid is mounted vertically, which protects it from clogging. The trap’s rust-resistant and waterproof casing is designed exclusively for outdoor use.
How Does the Flowtron Electronic Insect Killer Work?
The Flowtron electronic insect killer uses electricity to rid a fairly wide area of insects. The basic process is both simple and efficient – and it definitely eliminates some of the problems that are apparent in other types of insect killers.
You’ll never have to worry about reloading the device, nor will you have to worry about any harm being done to anything other than bugs. The device is simple enough that anyone can use it, yet it’s still useful enough that you can rely on it more than most other similar devices.
The process of killing the insects is remarkably simple. At the center of this device is a UV light. Given that most insects are attracted to bright lights, it only takes a moment for them to swarm away from other interest items and towards the Flowtron electronic insect killer, a process that’s sped up by the use of Octenol.
Once they are close to the light, they’ll be zapped by the product’s electric grid. The shock produced isn’t enough to hurt a person or a larger animal, but it is deadly to the insects. Once they hit the grid, they drop to the ground – no cleanup necessary.
The Family Of Flowtron Products: What Models Are There?
Flowtron has a fairly large family of products. There are stand-alone mosquito traps, electronic bug zappers like the BK-80D, standing power vacuums, and even bug killers that stand on their own.
Some of the products, like the Diplomat Fly Control device, specializing in killing flies while others are more focused on mosquitos. Regardless of the design, all of these devices are meant to deal with insects in a way that ensures relatively little clean-up and a low impact on the environment.
Why Is the Flowtron Insect Killer So Popular?
Flowtron is a fairly popular brand, and for good reason. Its products are not only reasonably priced, but they also tend to stand up to repeated usage. The company goes out of its way to make sure that each product is specially engineered for a specific purpose and that each product is easy enough to use that any user can ensure a maximum level of efficacy.
The combination of good price, efficiency, and ease of use make the company’s products a must-buy for many consumers, while the effectiveness helps to ensure that those same consumers will consider Flowtron to be one of the most reliable brands on the market today.
How To Use the Flowtron Insect Killer Properly?
If you’re looking to get the most out of this product, you’ll want to make sure that you follow a few basic steps. Perhaps the most important is to ensure that the light is the brightest one in the area – if you can hang it in a place with no other lights, you’ll be able to attract as many insects as possible.
You should also ensure that you replace the bulb when it starts to dim, as failure to do so is going to reduce the efficacy of the product. Finally, make sure that you always have a fresh supply of bait – the Octenol will eventually run out, and you need to ensure that you have a fresh supply if you want to kill as many bugs as possible.
The Flowtron Electronic Insect Killer Review
Below, you will find a review of the best Flowtron electronic insect killers at a price ranging $40-$300. The most affordable options are simple-to-use yet very effective while others are incredibly powerful and can be used both indoors and outdoors.
1. Flowtron BK-80D 80-Watt
If you’re looking for an all-around insect killer, this is probably the model with which you’re going to have the most success. Simple to use and very effective, all it takes is some good positioning and a little bit of luck to get working. Though it isn’t an immediate killer of insects, it’s very effective when it comes to killing off the most common types of pests when the conditions are right.
Flowtron BK-80D: Check the current price
2. Flowtron FC-8800 Diplomat Fly Control Device
If there’s a possible complaint about this device, it’s that it might be just a little too powerful for many applications. Sold as an indoor/outdoor bug killer, it’s effective enough to control bugs over a two-acre lot or to deal with pests in high-traffic areas like dumps.
This is an incredibly powerful bug killer, perfect for those who have significant infestations or who don’t want to deal with multiple devices. It might be overkill inside, but it’s a great outdoor device for those who really want to ensure that major fly problems are dealt with effectively.
Flowtron FC-8800: Check the current price
3. Flowtron MC9000 Residential Bug Fighter
Another incredibly powerful zapper, this unit is a great fit in residential settings that have a little bit of extra space. Definitely designed to be used outside, it needs to be about twenty-five feet away from any gatherings because of the sheet number of bugs that it will attract.
Powerful and efficient, it not only has a great deal of pest-killing power, but it is also designed in a way that ensures that it won’t get clogged up with dead insects. If you’re looking for a powerful zapper for your property, this might be the right zapper for you.
Flowtron MC9000: Check the current price
4. Flowtron PV-440 Galaxie Power-Vac
If you’re looking for something a little different than a standard zapper, this might be the product for you. Not only does it easily lure in bugs, but it sucks them directly into a containment area that ensures their quick deaths.
It’s incredibly easy to see how many insects that this unit kills, and the attractant works over a fairly large range. If you want something that’s a little quieter than a zapper but that is really no less effective, you really owed it to yourself to give this power-vac a try.
Flowtron PV-440: Check the current price
5. Flowtron MT-125 Mosquito PowerTrap
This is another device that’s incredibly useful if you feel uncomfortable with the idea of using a zapper. Though zappers are perfectly safe, this type of device works a bit more quietly and tends to keep the bodies of the insects that it kills out of sight. Though it is less widely available on-line.
Like the product above, this unit uses a combination of a lure and a vacuum to suck insects into the holding area, where they die and can be easily thrown away. A quiet and useful product, consider giving this device a try if you are in a situation that precludes the use of a zapper or in which a zapper simply wouldn’t make sense.
Flowtron MT-125: Check the current price
6. Flowtron BK-40D
Smaller and a bit quieter than some of Flowtron’s other products, this zapper is a perfect choice for those who have smaller properties or who are looking to deal with smaller insect populations.
This is a good zapper for anyone who has a property that’s around one acre or less but who still wants to effectively deal with bugs. It still has the same sort of basic functionality as some of the larger models, just on a smaller scale. If you don’t need a huge zapper, this one may be the best choice for you.
Flowtron BK-40D: Check the current price
Buyers Reviews on Flowtron Insect Killer
Buyers generally like the Flowtron insect killer, but most note that getting the most from the products does involve some trial and error. The truth is that there is no one attractant that’s going to bring in every kind of insect, so the amount of utility you get from what comes in the box is going to vary based on where you live.
Most note that once they find the right kind of lure and secure the device in the right spot, though, that they are very happy with the results. The big takeaway is that these aren’t plug-and-play devices — they really do take some adjustment in order to maximize their potential.