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Уничтожение клещей на дачном участке

The destruction of ticks in a suburban area is a necessity for all summer residents who are going to live outside the city during the summer season. After all, few people want to endanger themselves and their loved ones. Tick ​​bites can transmit many dangerous infections, including encephalitis. Finding insects in your area is quite easy.

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When you’re sweaty, dry your face with a towel and simply run it over nearby bushes and grass. If after that ticks remained on it – it’s time to take up the treatment of the site. Of course, if there are no ticks left on the towel, this does not mean that there is not a single dangerous insect in the entire area. In any case, it is necessary to treat the area from ticks.

There are more and more ticks every year – summer residents complain. Perhaps this is because the forests are no longer treated for insects, so they freely move to summer cottages. Aacaricidal treatment of forest plantations (one of the most effective measures for the destruction of ticks) can lead to irreparable consequences – all insects, birds and animals, and not just ticks, will be poisoned. In addition, chemicals tend to accumulate in the soil, pollute the environment, spoil the environment.


 Destruction of ticks on the site

destruction of ticks on the site: photoAn excellent tool for the destruction of ticks on the site are pyrethroids – this tool has proven itself with many summer residents. If you decide to fight insects on the site, then feel free to use synthetic or natural pyrethroids. They are safe for humans and dogs. In addition, pyrethroids do not tend to accumulate in the ground, poisoning all surrounding plants.

Of course, chemical pyrethroids have some disadvantages:

  • Kill insects (for example, bees);
  • Toxic to fish;
  • Toxins for cats.

It is justified to use pyrethroids if you want to treat a playground, garden or paths. However, they are not recommended for large areas. The destruction of ticks in the country should be consistent and systematic. It is better to treat small areas little by little than to irrigate all surfaces of the site at once. As for pyrethroids, they are also in their natural form.

Pyrethrin is a natural insecticide that is found in some daisies, which are often planted in various flower beds. For example, take Caucasian chamomile and Persian chamomile into service. Dalmatian chamomile can also be used as a tick repeller. These flowers can serve as both a decoration for your flower beds and as guardians of your plots. Naturally, pyrethrin, which is contained in chamomile, is not as saturated as synthetic, but still, it is quite active.

 Prevention of ticks in the country

Destruction of ticks is the second thing. And in the beginning, before the epidemic of ticks began and they began to sit on every bush, at least minimal preventive measures should be taken. Remember that ticks most often appear in cluttered areas . Therefore, remove all fallen leaves, remnants of vegetation, and also, do not be lazy to often cut summer lawns. One of the main breeding grounds for ticks are mice – they are a source of insect larvae. In addition, it is from mice that ticks get an encephalitis infection, which can then be transmitted to people who are bitten by ticks. Therefore, indirect control of ticks is an active control of mice.

Top best remedies for treating a site from ticks

Dobrokhim M


The insecticidal drug Dobrokhim M is designed to control harmful insects in residential and industrial buildings. The agent can be used in municipal institutions (dormitories, hotels), public catering organizations, preschool institutions, in medical and preventive structures – to perform final disinfection.

The form of the preparation is a concentrated water-based emulsion. Active substance: Malathion (an organophosphorus component at a concentration of 57%) and its enhancers. The drug equally well fights with different types of harmful insects. It is effective and has an original recipe. The agent has a minimum degree of danger to warm-blooded animals due to the presence of an aqueous solvent in the composition. After contact with surfaces, the liquid leaves no traces, does not violate their structure. Both professional organizations and household users can use the insecticidal composition.
The consumption of the drug differs depending on the type of insects:

  • 0.25 ml / l – from mosquitoes and their larvae;
  • 2.5 ml / l – from mosquitoes and fleas;
  • 4 ml/l – from fly larvae;
  • 5 ml / l – from flies, ants and bedbugs;
  • 10 ml / l – from rat ticks and cockroaches;
  • 10 ml / l – from lice and scabies mites.

It is recommended to prepare an aqueous emulsion from the concentrate immediately before use. Within 5 minutes, the drug should be mixed with ordinary tap water. The maximum allowable period for the consumption of the finished solution is 8 hours. You can spray the product with a conventional garden sprayer. Packing volume — 1 l.

Price: ₽ 3 000

Ram (1 l)

Tick ​​ram
The insecticidal composition “Taran” is made in liquid form and is a water emulsion with a high concentration. The tool effectively fights ixodid ticks in natural conditions, and also helps to destroy insects in everyday life. Insectoacaricide can be used to treat:

  • residential and non-residential buildings;
  • catering establishments;
  • medical institutions;
  • preschool and school educational institutions;
  • residential household premises;
  • hostels;
  • inns and hotels.

The active ingredient of the drug is zetacipermethrin (10%). The tool has a powerful insecticidal, acaricidal and provocative effect on those insects that have settled in the house. Settling on household surfaces, the drug retains its effectiveness for 2 months. Taran” is suitable for dealing with resistant insect populations.
The drug is spent sparingly, it lasts for a long time. The water base provides excellent toxicological properties. The agent does not leave marks, does not smell, does not accumulate in the surrounding space. Packing volume — 1 l.

Price: 3 280 ₽

Tsifox (500 ml)


Cyfox is a concentrated drug that is designed to effectively combat:

  • scabies mites;
  • larvae of mosquitoes and flies;
  • rat mites;
  • fleas;
  • bedbugs;
  • cockroaches;
  • ants;
  • lice;
  • imago.

The effect of the drug is clearly visible after 20 minutes. The active substances of Cyfox penetrate into the body of parasitic insects through the oral cavity and chitinous cover. The active ingredient cypermethrin has a paralytic effect on insects and leads to their rapid death. Insects die after 20-25 minutes.
The residual effect of the drug persists for 1-3 months. In open areas, the agent is valid for 1-6 weeks (if plants are treated for midges) and 1-1.5 months (for ixodid ticks). The effectiveness of the drug that got into the water lasts from 1 to 3 weeks. If clothing is treated with Cyfox, it will remain on its surface for about 14 days. Packing volume — 500 ml.

Price: ₽ 3 550

Summary table of tick remedies

Name Purpose Price
Dobrokhim M
For processing buildings and plots 3 000 rub
Tick ​​ram
For processing buildings and plots 3 280 rub
For processing buildings and plots 3 550 RUB

Mite sprayers

Knapsack sprayer “Titan”

Titan 16 300x300

Backpack sprayer “Titan” is suitable for processing large areas of land with insecticides and pesticides. A convenient and voluminous sprayer is made in a black and light green shade. It can be successfully used for the treatment of greenhouse crops, woodlands and areas in landscape gardening.
The sprayer was created by the Polish company Marolex and has the following advantages:

  • good capacity;
  • safe materials with high chemical resistance;
  • ease of use;
  • simplicity of design;

The presence of seals on the telescopic rod, which do not allow it to be contaminated with sand and earth.
Sprayers “Titan” are on sale in several variations of the volume of the working tank: 12 l, 16 l and 20 l.

Price: ₽ 10 700

Pump sprayer Park

926000986 0

The reusable pump-action sprayer “Park” is designed for the agricultural industry and the treatment of the area from ticks. The packaging volume is 8 liters, and it lasts for a long time. The flask is made of high quality polyethylene, has a comfortable black plastic handle. The set also includes:

  • comfortable belt with adjustable function;
  • telescopic rod, complemented by a corrugated handle;
  • corrugated hose (length – 1.5 m);

Filter (protects the opening through which insecticides and fertilizers are sprayed);
Sprayer “Park” is characterized by the best quality, reliable and easy to use. It can be used many times

Price: ₽ 490

 Working with acaricides

There are a number of drugs that have long been popular in the treatment of their summer cottage.

For example, Taran, Samarovka-insecticide, Akaritoks, Force Site . You can also use Tsifoks, Sipas Super, Breeze and Alfatrin.

All of them can be bought in hardware stores in the public domain, therefore, as soon as the snow has melted, you already need to go to the dacha and carry out tillage in advance. Indeed, with the first heat, ticks begin to lay larvae and actively multiply – then it is much more difficult to fight them.

Working with acaricides is generally safe, but you still need to take all sorts of security measures so as not to harm yourself and loved ones. Therefore, carefully follow the instructions, do not forget that you are dealing with poisons. It is necessary to protect your skin and arm yourself with a gauze bandage on your face and rubber gloves.

Dress in the most closed clothing so that the chemicals do not penetrate your skin – an allergic reaction or a burn may occur. It is necessary to process those places where there is especially thick grass or bushes, as well as where people usually rest. That is, it is necessary to process the area with sun loungers and hammocks, hiking trails and recreation areas, for example, vegetation near the children’s pool.

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