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Мы помогаем — это команда преданных своему делу профессионалов разного происхождения, которые объединились, чтобы служить одной единственной цели: поделиться своими знаниями и помочь людям в их борьбе за избавление их дома от нежелательных животных и насекомых.

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Мы искренне любим то, что делаем, и именно поэтому каждая статья на сайте доведена до совершенства и проверена на наличие научных доказательств, подтверждающих наши утверждения. Все наши руководства основаны на тщательных исследованиях и чистой честности. Мы проверяем все наши источники, прежде чем прийти к какому-либо выводу. Именно поэтому вы получаете уникальный взгляд на любую проблему, о которой мы пишем.


Michael Potter

Biologist with Ph.D

Michael Potter, a biologist with a Ph.D., is in the heart of our team: he’s both a consultant and a writer of some of the best materials on our site. He is the author of the book How to Get Rid of Rats. His idealistic nature doesn’t let him accept second best, that is why he gets to the bottom of every problem and tries to find the most viable solutions. If you have any questions that you’d like him to answer, please, do so at his page at Quora. He’s always ready to lend his helping hand to anyone in greatest need.

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David Johnson

Professor of Biomedical Sciences, East Tennessee State University

David Johnson is a Professor of Biomedical Sciences at East Tennessee State University. His areas of interest include entomology, the structure of proteins, blood proteins, and many more. David Johnson has a number of scientific publications on alpha-1-proteinase inhibitors and the structure and functions of proteins.


Dr. Danielle Lee

Assistant Professor, University of Missouri

Dr. Danielle Lee is an Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri. Her research interests include the impact of ecology and evolutionary components on animal behavior, including examining the African giant pouched rats and behavioral differences of small rodents. Dr. Lee has received numerous awards and also works on The Urban Scientist blog devoted to urban ecology.

Dr. Michael Potter

Entomologist, University of Kentucky

Dr. Michael Potter is an Extension Professor and entomologist at the University of Kentucky. In addition to conducting research, he delivers lectures and provides advice to the pest control industry, health care, and regulatory agencies. Dr. Potters takes part in international pest control events and has several awards. His entomology program at the University of Kentucky is aimed to provide the public with credible information and assistance in pest control, including managing bed bug infestations, which have been increasingly becoming a considerable threat in urban areas.


Stephen Tvedten

Pest Control Expert

Stephen Tvedten is an acclaimed expert in integrated pest management. He is also the author of a manual “The Best Pest Control 2” that focuses on natural and non-toxic methods of pest management. Stephen patented the use of compounds based on enzymes to control insects and arachnids naturally.

Mônica Ferreira Moreira

Associate Professor, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Mônica Ferreira Moreira is an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She has more than 20 scientific publications on DEET mosquito repellents, the diagnostics of dengue, and other topics related to mosquitoes and related diseases.


Dr. Nicky Gallagher

Urban Entomologist

Dr. Nicky Gallagher is an Urban Entomologist and technical service manager for the Northeast and Northwest for Syngenta professional pest management, a company offering products for commercial, residential, and farm pest control.

Mark Nelson

USU Extension, Beaver County Specialist

Mark Nelson is a Beaver County Specialist at the Utah State University Extension. His areas of interest include examining water quality, waste management, the efficiency of irrigation methods, and integrated pest management. As for the latter, he primarily focuses on studying grasshoppers and ground squirrels. Mark has received a grant to conduct research trials to compare the effectiveness of different rodenticides registered in Utah and compare different types of squirrel traps.

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